Schulgasse 5-7, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: LAAC (2017)Building contractor: Stadt Dornbirn
Knapp dreißig Jahre nach der Verbannung des Autoverkehrs vom Dornbirner Marktplatz wurde mit der Schulgasse auch der westliche Teil der Innenstadt verkehrsbefreit, mit dem umgestalteten Kirchpark als attraktiver Verknüpfung zur Marktstraße und zum Platz.
Stadtstraße, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Architekturwerkstatt Dworzak - Grabher (2014-2016)Building contractor: Stadt Dornbirn, Land Vorarlberg, Abteilung StrassenbauAccessibility: jederzeit
Eine "Brücke als Platz": Sie ist um einige Meter breiter als lang. Niveauunterschiede zwischen Fahrbahn, Mittelstreifen, Fußgängerbereich wurden minimiert. Hölzerne Lehnen entlang der Brüstung dienen als Wartebänke. In der Mitte des Baukörpers eine Skulptur von Hubert Lampert.
Edlach 6, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (2015-2016)Building contractor: Stadt DornbirnAccessibility: Schulgebäude können ohne Voranmeldung und ausdrückliche Genehmigung der Direktion nur von außen besichtigt werden. Bitte den ungestörten Betrieb der Bildungseinrichtung respektieren.
Die Schule aus den 1960er Jahren wurde modernisiert. Der Bestandskomplex aus den 1960ern wurde mit Ausnahme der Turnhalle abgerissen und durch eine offen strukturierte "Clusterschule" ersetzt, die modernen baulichen, ökologischen und pädagogischen Standards gerecht wird.
Sebastianstr. 7, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Elmar Ludescher, Philip Lutz (2015)Accessibility: Hofladenöffnungszeiten von 1. Mai bis Allerheiligen von 8.00 - 17.30 Uhr
Der Ausbau reagiert in einer angemessenen Rustikalität und Pragmatik auf die konkrete Bauaufgabe Landwirtschaft und zeigt, in welcher Weise Landwirtschaftsbauten für den Holzbau gewonnen werden können.
Millennium Park 20, 6890 Lustenau, A Architect: Baumschlager Eberle (2012-2013)Building contractor: AD Vermietung OGAccessibility: Nach frühzeitiger Voranmeldung unter sind einstündige Architekturführungen von Mo-Fr zwischen 8:00 und 17:00 Uhr möglich. Die Kosten betragen EUR 150,00 zzgl. 20% Mwst.Reachability:;
T +43 5577 63051 0
Den Neubau des eigenen Bürogebäudes machten Baumschlager Eberle Architekten zum Experiment: möglichst wenig Energie und Technik, konsequent aus natürlichen Baustoffen. Entstanden ist ein Haus, das ohne Heizung, Kühlung und künstliche Lüftung auskommt.
Oberdorfer Straße, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Ernst Beneder, Anja Fischer (2012-2013)Building contractor: Liegenschaftsverwaltungs KG Pfarrkirche St. Sebastian Dornbirn
The new effects created by a combination of glass and light make the cultural treasures of the inventory shine. The sanctuary is liturgically used in many ways after the dismantling of the stairs.
Färbergasse 15, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2011-2012)Building contractor: Cree GmbH Creative Resource & Energy Efficiency
Der LifeCycle Tower ONE (LCT ONE) ist das erste achtgeschoßige Holzgebäude in Österreich. Der Realisierung des Prototyps ging ein Forschungsprojekt zur Holz-Systembauweise voran. Mit der Überprüfung des Bausystems auf Umsetzbarkeit soll es internationale Marktreife erlangen.
Teilenstraße 4, 6890 Lustenau, A Architect: Architekturwerkstatt Dworzak - Grabher (2011-2012)Accessibility: Wohngebäude können nur von außen besichtigt werden. Wir bitten Sie, die Privatsphäre zu respektieren!
Den Architekten war es wichtig, die ehemalige Textilfabrik als wichtigen Teil der lokalen Identität zu begreifen. Der Charakter des Bestands sollte bewahrt werden, der einstige Zweckbau spürbar bleiben. Es galt, die vorhandenen Qualitäten für zeitgemäßes und unkonventionelles Wohnen zu nutzen und geeignet umzudeuten.
Schulgasse 7, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Georg Bechter, Thomas Mennel (2012)Building contractor: Marenda BrotkulturReachability: It is located at the end of the pedestrian zone and is open during business hours.
The Marenda in the center of Dornbirn mediates between the coffee house culture, a restaurant and a traditional baker's shop with its transparent manufacturing process.
Ebnit 4, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: heim+müller (2010-2011)Building contractor: Elmar GrafAccessibility: From Wednesday to Monday it opens at 11.00 a.m. and offers hot meals from 11.30 a.m. to 21.00 p.m. Guest rooms are available.Reachability:
Tel+43 5576 42997
The traditional Gasthof Alpenrose is located directly at the village square of Ebnit and has always been a popular place to stop by for people hiking in the vicinity of Dornbirn. Now it shines with a new gleam.
Schulgasse 40, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Marte.Marte Architekten (2009-2011)Building contractor: Stadt Dornbirn
A group of different types of training and care facilities are part of a large school district in the centre of Dornbirn. The small gym, which was built during the late 19th Century, and the new Special Education Centre complement each other. The latter and the adjacent elementary school encompass a courtyard which connects to the middle school at the west side. Fair-faced concrete characterizes the exterior, whereas birch plywood dominates the interior. Colored surfaces and beautiful lighting are further distinctive features.
Rathausplatz 8, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Bechter Zaffignani (2009-2010)Building contractor: Raiffeisenbank Dornbirn reg. Gen. mbH
The Raiffeisen Bank headquarters underwent thermal renovation and were extended and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. A permeable cladding superimposes the existing facade band. Vertical shutters of naturally anodized aluminum create the rhythm of the building.
Marktstraße 46, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Hugo Dworzak (2009)Building contractor: Hefel Wohnbau AGAccessibility: Marktstraße 46, if it is open you can enter this urban space.
The condominium copies the old town hall, which was pulled down, in volume and form. Additional space requirements are covered by two restrained structures facing the Marktstrasse which are adapted to the dimensions of this inner city location.
Marktstrasse 33, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (2009)Building contractor: Stadt DornbirnAccessibility: within sight of Dornbirn’s marketplaceReachability: vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
Opening hours Exhibition:
Tue-Fr 14 -17 Uhr, Sa 11-17 Uhr;
Tel: +43 5572 52269
A modern building concept for architecture, art, gastronomy and a bookshop as well as unobtrusively attached apartments preserve the memory of the "Alte Naturschau” even after the renovation.
Dr. Waibel Straße, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller, novaron (2007-2009)Building contractor: i+R Gruppe, Wohnbauselbsthilfe
A new inner-city district was created with the redesign of the centre of Dornbirn around the City Hall and the residential and office buildings of the former Ulm-area. This high-density district responds with individual cubes to the villas of the neighborhood, the cemetery and the Mohren-Brewery. The high-rise will be rebuilt and extended by seven condominiums.
Bahnhofstrasse 24, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Caramel (2005-2008)Accessibility: Öffentliche Außenbereiche jederzeit.
Öffnungszeiten Info-Center: Montag bis Freitag, 7:30 - 19:15 Uhr | Samstag 7:30 - 10:30 UhrReachability: Unweit des Bahnhofs Richtung Zentrum.
Durch Erweiterungen der Wifi-Bestandsgebäude wurde eine neue städtische Struktur zwischen Bahnhof und Zentrum geschaffen. Das Grundstück wird durch zwei geknickte, sichelförmige Baukörper als Quartier definiert.
Schmelzhütterstraße 16, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Johannes Kaufmann, Johannes Kaufmann GmbH (2007-2008)Building contractor: i+R Gruppe
In the center of Dornbirn the old Ölz manufactury has been transformed into a low-energy residential building. Some rooms of the 14 loft apartments that revitalize the existing structure are as high as 3.5 meters.
Birkenwiese 26, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Philip Lutz (2007-2008)Building contractor: Lebenshilfe Vorarlberg
Two units for assisted living communities are arranged in a clear form on two storeys with a special color scheme, providing a high quality of living and integrating well into the residential area. The terrace of the wooden construction opens up into the garden and the glazing from the top to the floor allows an unobstructed view even in a lying position.
Lustenauerstrasse 74, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: heim+müller (2007-2008)Building contractor: Wolfgang Rusch
A locksmith’s shop attracts attention with a new idea. The garage doors in the showroom can be set into operation from the outside around the clock. During the night it is the illuminated highlight on the road from Lustenau to Dornbirn.
Wieden 90 - 98, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Helmut Kuess (2007-2008)Building contractor: VOGEWOSI
The outdated council house has been upgraded with the help of glass, aluminium and a friendly color concept. Clearances, staircases and outdoor units have been redesigned. The houses comply with passive energy standards because the winter gardens serve as thermal buffers.
Jahngasse 9, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Oskar Leo Kaufmann, Albert Rüf (2008)Building contractor: MoMAAccessibility: inside please contact vai:
Tel +43 5572 51169Reachability: System3 is located in the parc of inatura
A far-traveled prototype for prefabricated housing has developed into a place for the promotion of architecture. It was disassembled in a vacant lot next to MoMA in Manhattan within one day and later erected in the "inatura” park after shipping overseas.conne
Mozartstraße 1, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2005-2007)
In the center of Dornbirn the glass facade of the extension suggests something special behind. A spacious atrium opens up to twenty-one apartments as a semi-public zone.
The shopping paradise for handymen is perfectly located. The imposing size is perceived on the conveyor belt at the glass facade; the structure of the shelf canyons can still be recognized in the bright halls despite of the storage utilization.
The main premises of the textile company F.M. Hämmerle shine with a new gleam. Two-storey apartments, lofts, practices, offices and commercial establishments have revitalized this central area. The careful renovation of the neoclassical building was complemented by the addition of new parts in copper skin.
Am Staufensee, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Judith Wellmann, Martin Ladinger (2005)Building contractor: Roswitha KonstatzkyReachability: Am Staufensee / Rappenlochschlucht
Die aus Beton gegossene Form ist ironisches Zitat eines Hauses, die rauen Felsen der Rappenlochschlucht standen hier Pate. Innen präsentiert sich der Kiosk von seiner sanften Seite, die Stube aus hellbraunen Schalungsplatten vermittelt Schutz und Geborgenheit...
Schillerstrasse 18, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Cukrowicz Nachbaur Architekten (2005)Accessibility: open
swimming pool: Tue-Sa 9-21 | So 9-17 | closed Mo
spa: Di-Do 14 - 22 | Fr 14-22 | Sa 9-22 | So 9-18
The popular public bath from the 60's has been renovated and extended by a wellness area. The impression of concurrently swimming in the park and in the city is conveyed by the spatial design and the deliberate choice of material.
Gütlestraße 5c-h, 6850 Dornbirn, A All residential buildings can only be viewed from outside. We would kindly ask you to respect the privacy of the residents.Architect: novaron (2003-2004)Building contractor: i+R Gruppe, novaron
The three-storey condominium is designed for lofts which facilitates a densification between the industrial district and the residential area with detached single-family houses.
Lustenauerstrasse 4, 6853 Dornbirn, A Architect: Gohm Hiessberger Architekten (2002-2004)Building contractor: Stadt Dornbirn
The new administration wing is impressively supported by eight meter high steel columns. Have a look inside as well and enjoy the stylish cafe and comfortable waiting areas. Ongoing modifications have changed the units which are now characterized by distinct colored accents.
Lustenauerstraße 64, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Wolfgang Ritsch Architekten (2001-2003)Building contractor: Zima Holding AGAccessibility: MO-Thu 10:00 - 14:00 | 17:00-23:00
FR 10:00 - 14:00 | 17:00-24:00
SA 18:00 - 24:00
SO, holidays closedReachability: Info | Reservation
+43 5572 20 38 84
An urban atmosphere can be enjoyed in the bar, in the lounge or in the restaurant at the business centre "Element” which has the largest conservatory of Vorarlberg.
Rosenstraße, 6850 Dornbirn, A All residential buildings can only be viewed from outside. We would kindly ask you to respect the privacy of the residents.Architect: Baumschlager Eberle (2001-2003)Building contractor: i+R Gruppe
The striking exposed masonry made of rough brick gives the condominium in Oberndorf a Dutch atmosphere. The ceiling-high wooden windows, the loggias, the balconies and the terraces ensure a smooth transition to the outer area.
Jahngasse 9, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller, Hermann Kaufmann, Christian Lenz (2001-2003)Building contractor: F.M. Hämmerle, Stadt DornbirnAccessibility: Stadtgarten: anytime
Opening times inatura: open daily from 10 – 18
The former machine factory has turned into an interactive exhibition of nature. The museum is situated within the idyllic city park that has been designed by landscape architects. A visit of the current exhibition of kunstraum Dornbirn located in the opposite factory hall is recommended.
Höchster Strasse 32, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (2000-2003)Building contractor: BIG
The addition of storeys and the extension made of wooden elements are integrated into the complex school building without any visible break. This extensive education center not only provides adequate room for about 1,000 pupils with the new large development area.
Falkenweg 5-21, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Johannes Kaufmann GmbH (2002)Building contractor: Errichtergemeinschaft FalkenwegAccessibility: All residential buildings can only be viewed from outside. We would kindly ask you to respect the privacy of the residents.
A maximum of quality of living can be enjoyed in the terraced house that was realized with a small budget and is made of one hundred percent wood. The compactness of the building, the wood element construction and orientation to the southeast prove its passive house qualities.
Milleniumspark, 6890 Lustenau, A Architect: Marte.Marte Architekten (2001-2002)Building contractor: System Industrie Electronic AG
Forschung, Produktion und Verwaltung finden im S.I.E Gebäude im Milleniumpark Lustenau gleichsam Platz. Die flachen Hierarchien spiegeln sich im Entwurf. Das Gebäude wurde mit dem Österreichischen Staatspreis für Architektur 2003 ausgezeichnet.
Kernstockstrasse 12, 6845 Hohenems, A Architect: Reinhard Drexel (1999-2001)Building contractor: Stadt Hohenems
The fire station in Hohenems presents itself as a visual oasis of calm. The tower is a striking landmark for urban building development. At the side a staircase provides external access to the training and office area on the first floor.
Kerstockstrasse 12A, 6845 Hohenems, A Architect: Reinhard Drexel (1998-2000)Building contractor: Stadt Hohenems
The maintenance depot of the community of Hohenems surprises with a remarkable roof construction: The drooping, unconventional wooden truss-shell made of laminated veneer panels was prefabricated in the factory hall and shaped on-the-spot.
The print shop is supported by concrete piles because of its special location; it is situated one meter below the groundwater level. The imposing printing presses demand a challenging spatial planning and room climate.
Rosenlächerstraße 14, 6890 Lustenau, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (1998-1999)Building contractor: Gemeinde Lustenau
The elongated single-storey structure with three common rooms is facing south. The two-storey head-end structure featuring embedded glass details accommodates the kitchen, the spare room and the office. The versatility of the rooms varying in height and dimension casually train children’s visual perception of space.
Rosenstrasse 17, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Roland Gnaiger, Udo Mössler (1998-1999)Building contractor: Jörg H. Knapp, i+R GruppeAccessibility: All residential buildings can only be viewed from outside. We would kindly ask you to respect the privacy of the residents.
Classy dwelling combined with the quality of living of single-family homes is possible in apartment buildings as well. The housing units are grouped around a glazed, light-flooded atrium. The spatial planning allows that apartments can also be combined.
Mühlebacherstrasse 25, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Geli Salzmann, Philip Lutz, Christian Maier (1998)Building contractor: Birgit Tiefenthaler, Geli SalzmannReachability: Tel +43 (0)5572 / 33023
The two-story house in the Rheintalhaus in Mühlebach, a very old part of Dornbirn, has been "excellently" renovated. The old part of the building had to remain in use as a guest house; in the new building you can visit the architect of this project.
Kaiser-Josef-Strasse 130, 6845 Hohenems, A Architect: Arno Bereiter (1994-1997)Building contractor: Textilwerke Josef Otten GmbH
Die farbfröhlichen, expressiven Neubauten - Bürohaus, Lager und Färberei - verbinden sich mit der Altsubstanz des Textilunternehmens Otten zum neuen Wirtschaftspark.
Mozartstraße 5 / 5a, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Baumschlager Eberle (1996-1997)Building contractor: i+R GruppeAccessibility: All residential buildings can only be viewed from outside. We would kindly ask you to respect the privacy of the residents.
The two dark buildings mediate between urban shapes and individual single family-houses in the city center. The apartments are arranged around the central staircase like a pinwheel. Thus, each apartment faces two cardinal directions.
Hamerlingstrasse 12, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (1997)Building contractor: Anton Kaufmann, Ölz Grafik Design
The complex is an outstanding prototype for the development of a timber construction system which is suitable for multi-storey residential buildings. The construction is based on a modular system with prefabricated elements that are laid out in a grid.
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Strasse 2, 6890 Lustenau, A Architect: Bruno Zurkirchen, Daniele Marques (1996)Building contractor: Gemeinde Lustenau, Ulrich Sutterlüty, Jürgen Sutterlüty
The spectacular supermarket is wrapped in polycarbonate sheets as if vacuum-packed at the blue square of Lustenau. The large cantilevered roof which reminds of the old market halls covers part of the village square.
Mozartstrasse 2, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Baumschlager Eberle (1993-1996)Building contractor: Martinspark Hotel GmbH & CoKG.Reachability: Tel +43 5572 3760
The hotel is a popular destination for architecture enthusiasts and hotel guests with high expectations of a special ambience in Dornbirn’s inner city. Visitors are taken by surprise in the lobby by a pink super size bucket that directs the focus on art and architecture.
Siegfried-Fussenegger-Strasse 2, 6850 Dornbirn, A Architect: Wolfgang Ritsch Architekten (1993-1996)Building contractor: BTV-Real-Leasing GesmbH
The Firehouse Dornbirn is a clearly structured building; its typical parts are at right angles to each other and thus create a kind of courtyard made of steel, glass and aluminum in the predominant colors red and dark grey.
Alberried 14, 6890 Lustenau, A Architect: Roland Gnaiger (1995-1996)Building contractor: Annemarie Vetter, Hubert Vetter
The Vetterhof is located between Dornbirn and Lustenau. It is an entity which combines housing, livestock farming, storage as well as product processing and refinement. Own produced organic products are sold in the farm shop.
Schweizer Strasse 5, 6845 Hohenems, A Architect: Elsa Prochazka, Roland Gnaiger (1991)Building contractor: Verein Jüdisches Museum HohenemsAccessibility: Museum and Café
Tuesday to Sunday and holidays 10-17 UhrReachability:
Tel +43 5576 73989
The Heimann-Rosenthal villa in Gründerzeit style houses a historic site: the Jewish museum. The careful renovation and preservation of the bourgeois living environments as well as the reserved and dignified presentation of the documents enable visitors to immerse themselves into a different time.