Am Bach, 6833 Klaus, A Architect: architektur.terminal (2015)Accessibility: Wohngebäude können nur von außen besichtigt werden. Wir bitten Sie, die Privatsphäre zu respektieren!
Die einzelnen Wohneinheiten haben zonierte, private Außenräume und gut belichtete Innenräume. Die gemeinsame Laubengangerschließung verbindet die beiden Gebäude, bietet Platz für Aufenthalt und Kommunikation und öffnet sich zum Innenhof.
Montfortplatz 1, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Hascher Jehle, mitiska wäger architekten (2012-2014)Building contractor: Stadtgemeinde FeldkirchAccessibility: Öffnungszeiten Gastronomie:
Di bis Fr 11:30 bis 14:00 Uhr
Sa, So, Mo und Feiertage geschlossenReachability: Montforthaus Feldkirch
T +43 5522 9009
Eine Sanierung des Montforthauses aus den 1970er Jahren war nach eingehender Prüfung nicht sinnvoll. Stattdessen erfolgte der Neubau eines Konzert- und Kongresshauses an derselben Stelle. Beim europaweiten Wettbewerb überzeugte der Entwurf von Hascher Jehle und Mitiska Wäger Architekten mit sensibler Modellierung des Volumens ins Altstadtgefüge.
Ardetzenbergerstraße 31, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Erich Gottfried Steinmayr, Richard Dünser, Hans Hohenfellner (2013-2014)Building contractor: Kongregation der Kreuzschwestern, Provinz Europa MitteAccessibility: Schulgebäude können ohne Voranmeldung und ausdrückliche Genehmigung der Direktion nur von außen besichtigt werden. Bitte den ungestörten Betrieb der Bildungseinrichtung respektieren.Reachability: Richtung Ardetzenberg, nördlich der Innenstadt
T +43 5522 72471
Mit dem neuen Sonderklassentrakt sollten die bestehenden Schulräume optimal vernetzt und der – durch Abriss der Heimgebäude der 1960er Jahre entstandene – Freiraum zwischen den Gebäuden optimal genutzt werden. Das Haus schließt auf drei Ebenen an das Hauptgebäude an. Die innere Erschließung über die Kaskadentreppe macht den Verlauf des Hanges erlebbar.
Schule und Dorfsaal wurden oberhalb des Kirchplatzes von Laterns neu gebaut. Die einfachen, kompakten Bauten fügen sich selbstverständlich in die Dorfstruktur. Errichtet wurden die Passivhäuser mit Fichten- und Weißtannenholz aus dem gemeindeeigenen Wald.
Fidelisgasse 1, 6835 Zwischenwasser, A Architect: HEIN architekten ZT (2012-2013)Building contractor: Gemeinde Zwischenwasser
The Kindergarten in Muntlix does not appear like a box but is a passive house nonetheless. Depending on the changing perspective, the facade sometimes glows green or reddish. Another special feature is the floor made of rammed clay that is used throughout the building.
Schotterried 1, 6844 Altach, A Architect: Bernardo Bader (2011-2012)Building contractor: Gemeinde Altach, Trägerverein Islamischer FriedhofAccessibility: The cemetery is always open
The cemetery integrates into the landscape in a pragmatic, simple manner and demonstrates little symbolism. It is open to people from all communities of Vorarlberg who wish to be buried according to Islamic rites.
Ardetzenbergstraße 31, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Johannes Kaufmann GmbH (2011-2012)Building contractor: Kongregation der Kreuzschwestern, Provinz Europa Mitte
The nursing home was not only renovated but also enlarged. The new building encompasses the existing building like a brace and thus a functional whole is formed.
Am Garnmarkt 10, 6840 Götzis, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (2009-2011)Building contractor: SPEKTRA Zentrum für Wohn- und Lebensraumentwicklung GmbHAccessibility: Wohngebäude können nur von außen besichtigt werden. Wir bitten Sie, die Privatsphäre zu respektieren!
Zwei kompakte Baumassen mit gleicher Funktion und doch unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen: 'Am Garnmarkt 10' sollte als Eigentum attraktiv sein, während 'Am Garnmarkt 20' die Vorschriften für den gemeinnützigen Wohnbau einhält. Jede Wohneinheit hat eine uneinsichtige Terrasse. Die Außenraumqualität ist dadurch hoch, es entstehen großzügige Spielflächen.
Am Garnmarkt 6, 6840 Götzis, A Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2010-2011)Building contractor: Montfort Investment GmbHAccessibility: The area provides numerous shops and restaurants with normal opening hours.
The center development project, currently the largest in Götzis, is worth a visit.
It aims to combine aspects of living, working, residing in an urban atmosphere and high quality.
The structure made of white in-situ concrete is arranged in a way that two courtyards and an atrium are formed in the middle. While the living rooms of the residential communities are oriented towards the courtyard and thus create communication space, the private rooms face the countryside and offer a place of calm.
Schulgasse 20, 6832 Röthis, A Architect: architektur.terminal (2010-2011)Building contractor: Gemeinde Röthis
The timber construction that complies with passive energy standards blends naturally into the middle of the village with its L-shaped structure. Through the generous glazing of the group wing on the ground floor a smooth transition to the outdoor area was created. Upstairs, the loggia connects to the outer area.
Translucent polycarbonate panels divide the club rooms from the dressing rooms, the meeting rooms, the coaching area and the adjoining rooms. Dug into the hillside, there are private boxes for the players. On top, the viewing deck offers a panoramic view of the golf court.
Rautenastraße 29, 6832 Röthis, A Architect: Cukrowicz Nachbaur Architekten (2009-2010)Building contractor: Gemeinde RöthisAccessibility: Montag bis Samstag 06:00 bis 20:00 Uhr.
Sonn- und Feiertag 08:00 bis 20:00 Uhr.Reachability: Biobäckerei * Konditorei
Tel: 05522/43371
The village centre is enriched by the café and bakery CaBaKo which is located on the ground floor of the rehearsal studio. The sanitary facilities are cleverly used together with the clubs.
Schulplatz 5, 6822 Satteins, A Architect: HEIN-TROY Architekten (2008-2010)Building contractor: Gemeinde Satteins
The new building of the elementary school and the new kindergarten flank the old school building. The new rooms of the elementary school and the kindergarten are made of white pine. The center is the completely glazed multi-purpose room that features a remarkable art and building project. Attention is attracted by the color scheme and structure of the concrete facade.
Werben 9, 6842 Koblach, A Architect: walser + werle (2009-2010)Building contractor: Gemeinde Koblach
Koblach’s new center is formed by the town hall complying with passive energy standards and the village square with the village well. The two levels of the spacious and traffic free village square are connected by wide stairways and ramps.
Neue Landstraße 4, 6841 Mäder, A Architect: walser + werle (2008-2010)Building contractor: Land Vorarlberg
The new construction provides the best therapy and care conditions for disabled pupils. Light and dolphin therapies are possible in the new swimming bath. Light-filled, glazed corridors connect the simple cube on three storeys to the old building, from which the friendly yellow color scheme was adopted.
The western wing of the LKH Feldkirch is terminated by the extension in black cladding which can only be observed from outside. The layering of the materials and the function remain hidden on the inside.
Hauptstraße 15, 6840 Götzis, A Architect: Christian Lenz (2007-2008)Building contractor: Pfarre St. Ulrich
The refurbishment illuminated the church, and it was refurnished. The pews made of solid oak planks are clustered in the nave and open space is created at its sides. Narrow light slits were milled into the outer walls below the arched windows.
Bergstraße, 6832 Zwischenwasser, A Architect: Walter Unterrainer (2008)
A development plan with a density that can normally only be achieved by terraced houses was created for the five EFM houses. Although sharing the same form at the exterior, they are completely adapted to the different needs of the individual residents. The energy balance is optimal.
After the extension the name of the building is justified; the generations are combined deliberately. Additionally to the canopy that makes the building easily recognizable, a noteworthy landscape architecture project and various harmonious photographic art works can be discovered.
Under the arcades of the pedestrian zone in Feldkirch the focus is shifted to glasses at the shop of the optician Nasahl. The spotlight is turned to the great depth of the room; the teak formwork unites the floor and the walls. The bistro atmosphere allows taking one’s time with the choice and keeping the overview.
The building marks the beginning of a large residential development along the river Ill. As a counterpart to the old spinning mill, the seven-storey residential building with a supermarket on the ground floor rises wrapped in black natural slate. The prerequisites for the future extension have already been created.
Hollagaß 2, 6822 Satteins, A Architect: baucombinat (2004-2006)Building contractor: Gemeinde Satteins
Red fair-faced concrete and galvanized steel profiles give the fire station a rather robust than bulky appearance. The hose tower at the front is easily visible from the distance, and the other part of the building is organized by function: the ground floor is the operation area while the offices and the training area are located on the first floor.
Kirchweg, 6833 Weiler, A Architect: Marte.Marte Architekten (2003-2005)
The fire station right in the centre of Weiler combines features of the landmark "Ritterhaus” and a barn. Harmonious integration into the village center was achieved by careful restoration and an exciting juxtaposition of old and new.
Oberes Ried 11, 6833 Klaus, A Architect: Oskar Leo Kaufmann, Albert Rüf (2004-2005)Building contractor: DMGReachability: Autobahnabfahrt Klaus aus Richtung Bregenz | Rankweil aus Richtung Feldkirch
Das DMG Headquarter Austria vereint repräsentative Ausstellungsflächen für die Erzeugnisse des führenden Werkzeugmaschinenherstellers Deckel Maho Gildemeister mit administrativen Zonen. Im Fokus der klaren Kubatur steht innen wie außen die Ausstellungshalle.
Bundesstraße 102, 6839 Rankweil, A Architect: Christian Lenz (2005)Building contractor: Hermann Tschabrun GmbH
The premises of the wood retailer represent one of the largest warehouses constructed of wood in Central Europe. Impressive room dimensions, maximum operational flexibility and excellent adaptation to the topography characterize the building. The construction materials are part of the company’s product range.
Haustraße 26, 6841 Mäder, A Architect: Q-rt Architektur (2004)Accessibility: Wohngebäude können nur von außen besichtigt werden. Wir bitten Sie, die Privatsphäre zu respektieren!
Bewusst wurde bei dem Projekt eine dichtere Bebauung als in der Nachbarschaft üblich gewählt. Die zweigeschossige Wohnanlage wurde als Versuchsfeld für eine kostengünstige ökologische Bauweise mit Niedrigenergiestandard gesehen. Die Wohnungen werden über halböffentliche Eingangsloggien, als schwellenlose Übergange vom öffentlichen in den privaten Bereich, betreten.
Schießstätte, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: ARTEC Architekten (2001-2004)Building contractor: Stadtwerke FeldkirchReachability: Illschlucht, vom Stadtzentrum knapp 1 km illaufwärts;
Kontakt Stadtwerke Feldkirch:
T +43 5522 9000
Eine Aussichtsplattform und der flussquerende Wehrsteg überlagern das eigentliche Wasserkraftwerk. In den "Landschaftspark" ist nicht nur die Fischtreppe integriert, sondern auch eine Steg-Anbindung an die bestehende, zuvor unterbrochene Uferpromenade. Hellgrün leuchtende Glasfaser-Lichtleiter, eine Installation von Peter Sandbichler, zeichnen die konstruktive Logik der Architektur nach.
6830 Übersaxen, A Architect: Matthias Hein (2003-2004)Building contractor: GIG Übersaxen
The angular exterior made of gray gravel concrete contrasts with the warm wooden interior construction. A lateral access zone with a wardrobe, a library and a bar confines the newly created village square. The actual height of the new building is only visible from the valley below.
Lastenstraße, 6840 Götzis, A Architect: Johannes Kaufmann GmbH (2004)Building contractor: Herbert Schneider GesmbH
Das Nutzfahrzeugcenter mit den Bereichen Werkstatthalle für Reparaturen, Verwaltungsteil, Kleinteilelager und Neuwagen-Halle für die indivuelle Komplettierungeines neuen Fahrzeugs wird im Gewerbegebiet mit unmittelbarer Anbindung an die Rheintalautobahn zurückhaltend gestaltet, klar strukturiert.
Liechtensteinerstrasse, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: aix architects (2002-2003)Building contractor: BIGReachability: An der Grenze zum Fürstentum Liechtenstein, knapp vier Kilometer südwestlich des Feldkircher Zentrums.
Das weite Flugdach von 840 Quadratmetern Fläche scheint über dem Abfertigungsbereich des Zollamts in der Landschaft zu schweben. Eine reflektierende Beschichtung aus Eisenglimmer ermöglicht die flächige und blendfreie Ausleuchtung der Untersicht.
The best possible view of the hustle and bustle in the pedestrian zone of the city can be enjoyed with coffee and much more in the fancy espresso and wine bar which is located at the corner between Schmiedgasse and the marketplace.
Hirschgraben, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Gohm Hiessberger Architekten, Walter Unterrainer (2001-2003)Building contractor: ZIMA Wohnbau GesmbH
Mit dem Umbau dieses innerstädtischen Verkehrsknotens (2001-2003) sollte zugleich ein urbaner Treffpunkt entstehen. Das dreigeschoßige Gebäude sorgt mit vielfältig bespielten Arkadenlokalen für Verschränkung mit dem Stadtraum. Die Textur des Busplatzes verbindet mit dem Sparkassenplatz und trägt so zum homogenen Gesamtbild bei.
New construction of the Secondary School Klaus – Weiler – Fraxern
Treietstraße 17, 6833 Klaus, A Architect: Dietrich | Untertrifaller (2003)Building contractor: Gemeinde Klaus Immobilienverwaltungs GmbH & Co KEG
The school building is an entirely wooden construction complying with passive energy standards. A two-storey cross bar accommodating the library and the auditorium forms an acoustic barrier to protect the classrooms and the green schoolyard from the street.
Oberes Ried 13, 6883 Klaus, A Architect: Oskar Leo Kaufmann (2002)Building contractor: Montfort Werbung GmbH
Beton, Stahl und Glas bestimmen das Bild der Montfortwerbeagentur, der Raum entwickelt sich rampenförmig nach oben, wo Großraumbüro sowie Besprechungsräume angeordnet sind.
Batschuns / Furxstrasse 1, 6832 Zwischenwasser, A Architect: Marte.Marte Architekten (2001-2002)Building contractor: Gemeinde Zwischenwasser
The cleverly constructed viewing slots characterizing the rehearsal studio of the local music club Zwischenwasser provide a visual link to the outside and at the same time guarantee seclusion for concentrated rehearsals. It represents a "walk-in instrument" which was awarded the Vorarlberg Holzbaupreis in 2004.
haslat, 6832 Zwischenwasser, A Architect: Marte.Marte Architekten, Martin Rauch (2001-2002)Building contractor: Pfarrgemeinde Batschuns
The solitary building made of clay is opened by a heavy oak door. Light passes through narrow slits into the funeral parlour, which completely dispenses with decorative accessory.
Walgaustraße 7, 6833 Weiler, A Architect: Hermann Kaufmann (2002)Building contractor: Sutterlüty GesmbH & Co
The concept of a market is clearly recognizable in the high hall in timber construction style. The daily shopping is done with a "friendly” casualness caused by the open atmosphere and it may be perceived as a relaxing activity.
The extension of the existing building increases the quality of living for people with disabilities. The structure presents itself as clear and functional, with a smooth transition between the exterior and the covered seating areas.
Rautenastraße 59/61, 6832 Röthis, A Architect: Reinhard Drexel (2001)Building contractor: Hatto FrickAccessibility: Mittwoch: 18.00 bis 24.00 Uhr
Freitag: 18.00 bis 24.00 Uhr
Samstag: 11.00 bis 14.00 Uhr und 20.00 bis 24.00 UhrReachability: Stöger Vinothek, Wein aus Italien
Tel: +43(0)664/3404035
The landmark protected farmhouse has been carefully renovated and the store at the ground floor is now dedicated to wine. The stable next door has been rebuilt from the basement walls and now houses a tax accountancy office.
Rebberggasse 25 - 27, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: walser + werle (1998-2001)Building contractor: Republik Österreich
The extension and the addition of another storey have created a revised situation of urban development. The heterogeneous structure of the existing buildings is harmonized, the surrounding squares are completely reorganized and the new construction virtually forms the stretched backbone of the entire complex.
Oberes Ried 1, 6833 Klaus, A Architect: Nägele Waibel, Wolfgang Ritsch Architekten (1999-2000)Building contractor: Omicron Electronics GmbHAccessibility: Der Betrieb ist ohne Voranmeldung nur von außen zu besichtigen.
Ein modulares Gerüstssystem garantiert Flexibilität. Die Arbeits-'Zellen' für konzentriertes Arbeiten sind akustisch, optisch und raumklimatisch abgeschirmt. Kletterwand, Dachgarten, Gemeinschaftsküche oder Leseecke bieten Raum für Kommunikation.
Marktgasse 9 / 11, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Bruno Spagolla, Wolfgang Ritsch Architekten (1998-2000)Building contractor: Zima Holding AG
The residential and commercial building is literally "fitted into” the old town of Feldkirch. Because only its facade is visible in the narrow lane, it can only be "experienced”.
Ringstrasse, 6830 Rankweil, A Architect: Wolfgang Ritsch Architekten (1999-2000)Building contractor: Gemeinde Rankweil
A typical Rheintalhaus was rescued by the architect, and proved perfect for the planned use after a closer investigation. The rooms are part of the accommodation wing, and the workshop area is newly built and completed with the necessary infrastructure.
Beim Gräble 6, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Walter Unterrainer (1999-2000)Building contractor: LOT Holzbau GmbH
The transparent workshop provides an insight into the production of the carpentry factory in Feldkirch. An accentuated square is formed by the office building complying with passive energy standards and the distinctive silo which also serves as a display for the logo.
Bifangstraße 79, 6830 Rankweil, A Architect: Joachim Schmidle (1999-2000)Building contractor: Thomas Schwarzmann
The private hospital for small animals is perfectly organized for functional medical processes in several cubes that vary in height development, size, orientation and color.
The block-like fire station with the hose tower gets three-dimensional depth by the slant of the deep gates. A light ditch provides the crew’s quarters with natural light. The angular arrangement of the parking spaces in the garage allows easy entry and exit.
Bahnhofstrasse 31, 6820 Frastanz, A Architect: Gohm Hiessberger Architekten (1999-2000)Building contractor: Gemeinde Frastanz
The wise use of the topography of the exposed building site and the clear functional organization of the two-storey building into a massive base and a cantilevered lightweight construction on top of it contribute to a large extent to the integration into the spatial structure of the village.
Alte Schulstrasse 7, 6841 Mäder, A Architect: Baumschlager Eberle (1996-1998)Building contractor: Gemeinde Mäder
The focus of the school is ecology which is represented by the building. New outdoor areas are created by the two buildings that are separated over ground. The facade consists of a two-layered structure made of wood and glass covered with scaly glass slats.
Oberdorf 15, 6822 Satteins, A Architect: Andreas Hanck, Reinhold Strieder, Susanne Hanck (1998)
The revitalization of the former citizen's home in Satteins on the hill copies the typical structure of the village. A clearly structured extension corresponds to the large-scale farmyard of the original building.
Batschuns / Furxstrasse 32, 6832 Zwischenwasser, A Architect: Walter Unterrainer (1996-1997)Building contractor: Familie E.
Four two-storey buildings line up along the street with an open view over the Rhine Valley. Due to the compact shape of the building, particularly good insulation, tested air tightness and a mechanical ventilation system the heating demand has been minimized.
The nursing home from the 60s was modified; the new construction was literally plugged through the existing building. It stretches clearly visible towards the street and marks the main entrance. Interesting different room heights are created by the lounge above; its glazing extends over one and a half storeys.
A two-storey square surrounds the idyllic Mediterranean courtyard. Village life self-evidently becomes part of the senior citizen’s home through the integration of club rooms and the post office.
Haus Gisingen expertly combines public functions such as a cafe, a library, a nursing care association and an advice center for mothers with the residential home for elderly people, hidden behind the church but still located in the center. The distinctive roof is visible from afar.
Sparkassenplatz 1, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Bruno Spagolla (1995-1996)Accessibility: Mo bis Fr zu den Geschäftszeiten der Bank.
Der Neubau umgreift mit dem hofseitigen Flügel den Altbau aus den 1960er Jahren. Die erweiterte Schalterhalle wird vom Hof über einen zweigeschoßigen Luftraum belichtet.
Schlössleweg 3, 6841 Mäder, A Architect: Baumschlager Eberle (1994-1995)Building contractor: Gemeinde Mäder
Die üppige Form des Rundbaus hat mit der inneren Funktion zu tun: Verbreiterung zur Bühne und die Wölbung an der Decke haben direkte akustische Auswirkungen. Auffällig rot sitzt der Baukörper inmitten von interessanten öffentlichen Gebäuden der Gemeinde, die in einem Jahrzehnt entstanden sind...
Montfortstrasse 88, 6840 Götzis, A Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Christian Lenz (1992-1993)Building contractor: Jugendbildungshaus St. Arbogast
As a consequence of the new construction’s positioning in relation to the existing church, a new square was created next to the guesthouses. It guides the visitors through an arcade of steel stanchions and high glass walls to the reception, the cafeteria and the dining room. Do not forget to marvel at the walk-in art object "Wasserhaus” on the premises.
Hauptstrasse 14, 6832 Dafins, A Architect: Hermann Kaufmann, Sture Larsen, Walter Unterrainer (1990)Building contractor: Gemeinde Zwischenwasser
The well-known, first solar powered school in Austria which offers an extensive view of the Rhine valley, supplies itself with 80% of the heating energy with solar panels on the roof of the south facade.
Montfortgasse 3, 6800 Feldkirch, A Architect: Walter K. Holzmüller (1979)Reachability: Reservation for lunch advised
Tel. 05522/73635
The atmosphere of a Viennese café can also be enjoyed in the old town of Feldkirch: read the newspaper, meet people and eat good food surrounded by a timeless ambience.
Waldrain 12 - 22, 6824 Schlins, A Architect: Rudolf Wäger (1971-1973)
A classic is Ruhwiesn. It is Vorarlberg’s first estate that was created by a joint ownership as a radically economical timber construction with a high self-build contribution.